About Me

Hi! My name is Abbey Bontempo. Welcome to my blog about my life and adventures 🙂

A bit about me – I’m 26 and from South Wales in the UK. I love travel, languages, taking photos, and decide to make this blog as a place to brain-dump those passions, in what I hope is at least a mildly useful format (but I guess you can be the judge of that). I graduated with a degree in Modern Languages and Translation from Cardiff University, and so far I have lived in Wales, Germany and Italy! I’ve spent the majority of my adult life either living or travelling abroad, including backpacking, working as an au pair, and two Erasmus study abroad semesters, before settling in one place (Venice) a little more longterm and using it as a base from which to explore more of Italy whilst trying to improve my Italian language ability.

I initially decided to create this blog to share my experiences of places I’ve fallen in love with, whether that be as a student, tourist or a resident. Anyone that knows me can guess that firmly at the top of my list of favourite places is the weird and wonderful city of water, and my current home, Venice. At the time of writing this little bio I’ve lived in Venice for 4 years in total, so it’s safe to say we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well, and I hope my blog posts can provide you with a little recommendation or two that come in handy on your own adventures!

Exploring new places is one of my biggest passions. The experiences I’ve had travelling and living overseas have been some of the most significant for growing my confidence, helping with anxiety, and generally proving to myself what I am capable of. I also would not have met most of the dearest people in my life to this day had I not taken the leap, oftentimes completely solo, to go on my adventures. There is always more out there to be discovered, and I’m excited to keep this blog as a record of my adventures and everything I learn as I go. Plus, as a girl who loves the planning almost as much as the actual trip, you can trust my travel guides are based on too many hours of research (Notions girls do it better).

Contact Me

To get in touch you can email me at abbey.bontempo@gmail.com or send me a DM on Instagram @bombembo